
About us

Created in 2018, DecStream Company develop and embed ready solutions in field of machine-to-machine communication.

Our Company actively cooperates with household and enterprise equipment manufacturers and always increase amount of devices available to users.

In our work, we combine creativity with an individual approach to each client.

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Based on our own innovative developments we make the interaction of electronic devices simple and convenient for our clients from Russian Federation and CIS countries.


DecStream.Housing information system is complex product invented for collecting and processing devices consumption data such as electricity, heating, water and gas. We offer ready solution that decrease consumtions for each participant: state, resource-supplying and building companies and end-user - residents.


High-quality and stable security of the property guarantee calmness of owners. DecStream.Security information system allows to be sure, that everything is under control. It will notify owners of unauthorized access to the premises and fire incidents.


Automation of any business makes leads to a reduction in costs and an increase in profits. Nowdays more and more developments appear that facilitate and reduce the cost of the work of agriculture enterprises with unmanned sprayers, tractors and other units. Our solution - DecStream.Harvest automate careness of weather, watering and soil condition, makes life easier for a manufacturer.


The speed of liquidation of an accident or emergency directly depends on the degree of awareness of the specialists. DecStream.Emergency system aimed for instant informing about ongoing processes, emergencies, accidents and other situations. Including in those cases when the situation is just beginning and its scale is not yet fully understood, then system will inform what exactly happened and where.


DecStream.Networks helps with solving different problems. It's monitoring the most hurting field in any town - technical condition of electricity, water and gas networks.


Making house `smarter` is almost everyone is striving now. Ofcorse, control watering of house flowers or operation of the washing machine from your phone is comforatable. Some devices can feed pets in times you go out via your gadgets. But smart devices are not only semi-entertaining, but also useful. For example, you can monitor the consumption of various resources, thereby reducing the cost. And that can be done by DecStream.Home.


Carbon dioxide (CO2) exists in our enviromental air, its amount is different depending on a large number of factors. The most important thing to know about carbon dioxide is that its high concentration is dangerous. And high concentration begins from 600-1000 ppm (0.06-0.1%) in air. The information system DecStream.CO2 can warn about exceeding the normative indicators. It is designed to monitor air pollution with carbon dioxide.


Протоколы взаимодействия устройств: LoRaWan, MQTT, DLMS, NB MQTT
Хранение данных: Реляционные и нереляционные базы данных
Серверные решения: Java, C/C++, PHP, Node.js, RabbitMQ
Клиентские решения: JS, Kotlin, Swift


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