
  • DecStream.Housing

  • DecStream.Security

  • DecStream.Harvest

  • DecStream.Emergency

  • DecStream.Networks

  • DecStream.Home

  • DecStream.CO2


Spend smart!

DecStream.Hounsing information system is a complex product designed to collect and process readings of meters for the consumption of electricity, heat, water and gas. We offer a ready-made solution that will reduce costs for each of the market participants: the state, the resource-supplying organization, the developer and the end consumer, namely the population.

The loss of resources in the housing sector is enormous:

  • According to various estimates, up to 35% can be lost during gas supplies
  • Electricity up to 35%
  • Warming up to 50%
  • Watering up to 60%

The problem is theft, illegal tie-ins, leaks, and imperfect infrastructure. Payment of losses falls on the shoulders, first of all, of the developer and the consumer. The DecStream.Housing system will help to achieve noticeable results in reducing costs for all market participants.

So, when using our system, the state can reduce budget spending in this area by 20-30%, directing the saved funds to other needs; transparency in the accounting of resource consumption will allow setting reasonable and lower tariffs based on reliable data, which will lead to population loyalty; based on the readings of metering devices, you can engage in analytics and forecasting, control resource consumption.

Reducing the cost of collecting and processing meter readings when using our product for resource supplying organizations will be from 10% to 30%. This will lead to savings from consumption planning of about 11%, from identifying the facts of theft of resources, according to estimates, about 5%. Each resource supplier knows how the population reacts negatively to emergencies, our system will allow you to quickly localize the leak, which will shorten the shutdown period for the consumer. Also, the DecStream.Housing system allows you to compare the consumption of various objects, to implement the digitalization of business processes that is relevant for our time.

Finally, developers and the public will experience significant savings when paying for consumed resources: the reduction in payment amounts will be 20-30% on average. This savings

are achieved primarily by controlling resource consumption. Moreover, most of the processes leading to the final result take place automatically.

Our company offers a turnkey product: we are engaged in a comprehensive implementation of the service, providing both equipment (in Russian version by our contractors) and software of our own design, its further support, simple management and analysis of the situation using a mobile application and an interactive map of the situation center. DecStream.Housing will help you control resource consumption and save on this mandatory item of expenses every day.



  • Automatic collection of meter readings
  • Resource quality control
  • Emergency alert
  • Leak detection
  • Determination of serviceability of metering devices
  • Processing readings
  • Analytics
  • Forecasting
  • Interactive map of the situation center (website)
  • Mobile application for consumers

Mobile application for iOS and Android platforms

Personal Control Panel